My Story
I joined Scentsy in July of 2018 to start a vacation fund. I did not expect to be anywhere near where I am today and I've been blessed by all of the amazing and wonderful things Scentsy has done for me.
If you would told me that Scentsy would bring me so much fulfillment, joy, passion and awesomeness into my life I would have never believed you. Never. For me, Scentsy is way more than just wax and warmers - it's freedom to be myself and live life the way I want.
Because of this little wax business I've earned free vacations I never thought I'd be able to take, made lifelong friendships, consistently gave back to my community and have the ability to quit my day job and make this my career.
Every thought about doing this wax thing with me? Want to know how all of this works? Or, wanna know how to get Scentsy for free?! Message me!